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6 Tips to Stay on Track This Vacation

myshapa July 16, 2019

VACATION MODE ON, but what does that mean for your health goals?

Have you ever heard someone say (or maybe you have said), “it doesn’t matter we are on vacation”? But then you come home realizing “WAIT IT DOES MATTER!”.

Going on vacation does not mean that you have to throw all of your new healthy habits and goals out the window. It also doesn’t mean that you have to be super strict or feel guilty for splurging a little.

What are you most excited for this vacation? If it is to splurge on food, drinks, and no exercise then maybe what you are doing right now is too much. You should enjoy the feeling your healthy habits bring you so they effortlessly become apart of your everyday-even on vacation.

Here are 6 tips to help you stay on track & enjoy your vacation 🙂

  1. Pack a reusable water bottle
    This is key and a lifesaver while traveling! Bring your water bottle everywhere you go and remember to refill it before you leave your hotel, restaurant, or if you pass by a water station. You may also be consuming more salt, or getting more sun than you are used to, so it is important to be hydrating. Plus, bringing a reusable water bottle is kind to your wallet and the environment! 😉
  1. Pack emergency snacks
    Make sure to plan for those moments when you start to get hangryyyyy. Your routine will be different and it will be hard to predict when or where your next meal is coming from. Prepare perishable healthy snacks like nuts, protein bars or powders, jerky, dried fruit, etc. so you can get curve the hunger and make healthier choices.
  2. Grocery shop when you arrive
    Okay, yes you are on vacation, so feel free to skip this one if you are like “heck no I am not cooking or cleaning”. BUT if you are planning on visiting for more than a few days, grocery shopping is a great way to make healthier choices and not eat out for evvvverry meal. It can be as simple as grabbing food just for breakfast like eggs, avocados, oatmeal, and fresh fruit.
  1. Plan experiences
    Try to plan a few adventures during your vacation. This is a great way to create fun memories and explore new surroundings. Check out local hikes, beaches or lakes, or walk around a local town to get to know the area you are visiting.
  2. You don’t have to “workout” to get a workout
    Do not stress about getting in your exact workout routine while you are gone. Maybe you are an overachiever (which is awesome), but try to be a little more realistic about what you will do while on vacation. Your workout can be as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going for a walk in the morning or after dinner.
  1. Remember it is okay to say no
    If you are off on a vacation with family or friends it is hard not to feel pressured to eat and drink the same way everyone else does. Often the people we are closest to can be our greatest support system or our greatest sabotage. Treat yourself, but do not be afraid to say no to the extra drink or dessert. Your body will love you for it and your family and friends will get over it…


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